Alright, we all know people aren't buying Prada because they need a handbag. They are buying a story about themselves; the handbag just happens to be part of the story. So, how does one sell other stories, stories that lead to lifestyles that I think are good for people. How does one sell home-school, living in common, freedom, free software, etc...?
Those that sell lifestyles for a living tend to have an edge because they have something to attach the story to. How does one sell something like homeschool? I don't own anything to sell, I just want to convince people that this is a better lifestyle choice than throwing their kids into public school. I don't think the moral argument works as well as it should, so I'd like to find positive ways to encourage people into the lifestyle. For some reason, I'm convinced it's not so much about competing with public school as it is encouraging people to move up to a different way of living. After all, the organic/environmentalist/recycler crowd has managed pretty well in this space. They get people to radically change their behavior, as is witnessed by the recent "food mile" lunacy, without any actual benefit to anyone or the earth. Surely the positive benefits of home schooling make it easier to sell the lifestyle?
The cynic in me thinks the positive nature of such things actually makes it harder. Recycling works because it's an easy pseudo-morality. Educating your own children is too much like the real morality. On the other hand, people do come to homeschooling all by themselves; obviously there are selling points that we can refine for other people.
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