Via The Acton Institute's Powerblog I found Robert Samuelson's article at real clear politics:
Our children face a future of rising taxes, squeezed -- and perhaps falling -- public services, and aging -- perhaps deteriorating -- public infrastructure (roads, sewers, transit systems). Today's young workers and children are about to be engulfed by a massive income transfer from young to old that will perversely make it harder for them to afford their own children.
Of course, the solution is revolution! Convince the next generation that they have a ministry that is more important than merely being parents, and they will welcome the coming deprivations. Sacrifice now and we'll have utopia tomorrow! Pay your own children much less than they can get on the open market, but sell them on the idea that it's for the Kingdom! Have them put off having children indefinitely and don't mention anything about the fertility/age issue to the women. The crazy post 30scramble to get married and have at least one child is just one more sacrifice for the cause!
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