Friday, February 8, 2008

None Of the Above Rising In Popularity

Stephen Braunlich explores the morality of not voting:

For the sake of simplifying the analogy, lets assume being in favor of abortion rights will result in one death, and being in favor of embryonic stem cell research will result in one; in reality both will cause many more. Obama and Clinton, by merit of believing in both, are Button B; McCain, who still supports embryonic stem cell research, is Button A. Voting for either candidate will, ultimately, put into office a candidate who will enact policies that kill innocent humans. It is not a happy situation to find yourself in; but is the option of not voting really an ethical option? I appeal to the wisdom of the Church.

On a more comical note Nora Peralta calls for monarchy. I am available for the job, assuming decent salary, benefits, and nights and weekends off. And nap time. Every monarch needs an afternoon nap.

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