Talk softly and carry a big stick.
That second part is really important. We have to get that big stick away from all the other idiots, then we can start talking. Here is what we say:
I'm sorry, but John Marshall was wrong. If you want the Supreme Court to have that kind of power, you need to pass a constitutional amendment. This means that every idiot thing that's come out of the court since Marshall is null and void, so if you want any of that stuff, you need a constitutional amendment.
This is a simple concept. One our current president, in all his lame-duck glory, probably could pull off- though he'd probably have to be a bit more heavy handed with the end of the term so near. I guess he's worried tossing the justices in jail will look bad for his legacy. He certainly appears to care a bit more for those dead on 9/11 compared to the millions dead everywhere else.
Does this amount to an unconstitutional defense of the constitution? Man, I don't even care. I've watched too many abrogations of the constitution in order to effect unconsitutional aims, Paulson merely being the most recent and perhaps the most shocking. Are you worried this is a narrative that will result in a too powerful president? Nonsense, the president is too powerful now. Congress, probably out of a sense of self preservation more than anything else, would start repealling some of that power. Of course, we'd still need the big stick, because some might try impeachment for trying to defend the constitution. But, if they'd start taking responsibility for declaring war, currency, and a whole host of other things, suddenly the president wouldn't be such a big deal anymore.
In fact, the federal government wouldn't be such a big deal anymore.
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