Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Revisiting Rush

A couple of minutes of Rush Limbaugh in the car.
He was pushing for people to help get out the vote.
There was something uniquely sad about it.
An old soldier covering the same ground, knowing this trench warfare doesn't work, knowing that each new 'leader' comes in worse than the last, and yet, the enemy still needs defeating, so he keeps trudging down the same road.

We need a new system, one that allows us to field acceptable candidates. McCain is one of the architects of our current limitations. If Rush can't say McCain is an unacceptable candidate, when shall he be able to? Will he still back the Republican nominee if the next one is prominently pro-choice?

Anyway, it doesn't sound like I'm missing much. It's a pity, too, because Rush got me interested in politics, or more precisely policy. I suppose that was an error on his part; if you get someone interested in policy, you either have to field candidates who actually stick to good policy, or you will lose the people you wasted time attracting in the first place. Perhaps he ultimately did a disservice to the Republicans by asking us to think critically about so many things.

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