Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Why Can't I Find This Paper?

Supposedly, the Pope has a policy paper out attacking low-tax jurisdictions. Now, I tried to find this thing on the Vatican website. No, that would be too easy, right?

I hope it's some silly thing coming from a bureaucrat. A good first step would be ending Washington D.C.'s jurisdiction. Can you really look at this incessant insistence that we must spend mind-boggling amounts of money- literally steal from our descendants, and then turn around and blame the Cayman Islands?

How about sound money as a good first step? Are you seriously telling me you find it perfectly reasonable that our government can steal from us by printing more money?
A poor person on a fixed income gets hit especially hard when his money no longer buys the food that it used to because the government wants to bail out another big bank.

I'm hoping something got lost in the translation, for I know how badly the media botches anything papal. Still, it bothers me that sometimes Catholic leaders say things that seem to run counter to economic reality. It may be a lesser truth, but if you fail at the lesser, will very many people be standing around to hear you speak the greater?

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