Thursday, January 28, 2010

I Hunt, You Gather

I've noticed a rather pronounced tendency for vegan advocates to be women and the so-called zero-carb dieters to be men. Now, obviously, the women lose out on this one because vegans end up overly dependent on grains and legumes. The animal products only crowd can actually make out okay, but the jury is out as to how. Vitamin C, for instant is present in fresh meat, but you may need to eat it raw. Then there is a huge difference in nutrition if you are eating organ meats or just muscle meat.

This is why I do eat some fruits and vegetables. I just keep the carb count low, no more than 100g a day, and preferably no more than 50g at a meal. Most of the time I'm well below those limits.

But anyway, the fervor which the poor sickly vegans try to spread their religion made it suddenly dawn on me that this looks like men and women taking extreme dietary positions for psychological reasons. It would make sense that women would eat more plants than men anyway- they were the gatherers, and the extra fat from more carbohydrates in their diets would be helpful for childbirth. Meanwhile, a man with high a high preference for meat would tend, over time, to be a better hunter.

So these are gender extremes, and in the case of veganism, it's in the midst of the sort of people who are in the 'gender is a social construct' crowd. I'm sure the left see no contradiction and they will continue to sacralize extreme feminine traits, demonize even mild manly traits, while maintaining the pretense that none of it has anything to do with who we are at all.

But back to the individual- I tend to think this sort of thing is likely to happen when we are stuck in the artificially created stage of adolescence and have little to no hope of actually getting married and having children. Of course, in our modern age, the 91lb waif who has to wear combat boots just to stay upright may not want to have children, but that's quite beside the point. Biological processes don't halt themselves because of what we think; rather, what we think is colored by our biological processes. So, we'll move to the gender extremes in order to get maximum differentation because we are experiencing a strong call to procreate, whether we agree with the call or not.

So we amp up the signal.

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