Wednesday, May 18, 2011

The Gullible Christain Soldier

Teófilo has been drinking the red, white, and blue kool aid and thinks Pakistan needs a 'Come to Allah' moment.

Pakistan needs to “come to Allah.” Pakistan’s leaders need to recognize that they have reached a watershed in their relations with the US and that a clear path is ahead of them: they are either with us or with the terrorists.

Pakistan is in the same place it has always been. It inhabits a particular part of the globe, and, even now, they are still technically our ally. I think they've known we'd turn on them for a while, and this is why they are scrambling for some sort of diplomatic leverage. It doesn't matter how nice they try to be with us; there are factions in the U.S. who find continuous war beneficial and the Pakistanis have wisely guessed that they would be next.

Neither Jews, nor Christians, nor Muslims believe that coming to God involves obeisance to an idol. The right seems to understand so many lies told domestically, but for some mysterious reason the liars who dabble in foreign policy get a free pass. They are the same lies- Our country uses similar justifications for invading Pakistan as they do for killing a Marine in his own home.

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