Friday, October 28, 2011

The Soft Tyranny of Mythical Events

Once again, while listening to the radio to hear what sort of weather I could expect for today, I hear a lie. I didn't hear exactly where this it supposed to be, but I believe it was more local than national, but anyway, they were saying women get paid something like 62 cents for every dollar men get. Liar, liar, liar! They do most of their lying under the phrase 'comparable work,' and never bother to take into account things like teachers only working nine months out of the year, or the fact that occasionally women give into perfectly sane biological urges and go have babies instead of working.

I don't have the funds to do a study, it is clear to me women actually have an advantage. First, women who look good always have an advantage. Second, the credential mill that higher education has turned into caters to women. Third, the inane questions the average HR department asks applicants- they don't even make sense to men.

So we continue to hear these complete lies, and if things were actually working for both sexes properly no one would even try to do these studies. Families are healthy; corporate/government culture is not. The government's parasitic urge has led it to push us apart, keep us separate so that it can have two incomes to tax. Then they'll have two sick people in some corporate run home too, and there won't be any children to tax, though they've already promised huge chunks of the next generation's income to pay for the fairy tales they like to tell.

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