Monday, December 5, 2011

Why would you want someone presidential?

The much vaunted criticism of Ron Paul is that he is not presidential. At this point in my life, I must say all things presidential appear to coincide with being a lying incompetent bastard. I am surprised that politicians still show up wearing a suit and somehow incorporate red, white, and blue in their outfits- because by now folks ought to reflexively flinch and then engage in either a flight or fight action.

I don't think various people will allow Ron Paul to be president. The notary who blew the whistle on the fraud going on with mortgages has been killed. We've got a four year track record of the government covering for and bailing out bankers who should go to jail, and that doesn't even cover the collaborations between government and finance that I believe to be fraud, such as academia as it is now. A conspiracy isn't even necessary; all it takes is one person who knows he is better off with the status quo than real change- especially if he knows he would go to jail.

This idea of wanting someone presidential has far outlived its usefulness. The holders of the office eventually tinge the office with their slime. Perhaps it would have been useful to say we wanted someone presidential way back in the deep past, before television, before it became some sick empty-headed popularity contest, but now I'd rather see the sort of mentally dubious folks the media likes to pretend Ron Paul is than anyone presidential.

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