Thursday, December 26, 2013

I requested After Writing: On the Liturgical Consummation Of Philosophy by Catherine Pickstock, and I found a lovely little concept in the preface, of all things:

It is not simply that space came to obliterate time; it is rather that this became necessary because space now had to substitute for eternity. Thus, spatialization constitutes a bizarre kind of immanentist ritual, or "anti-ritual," without any ultimate justification except its subordination to the State.

Now, I doubt she actually means 'the State' as those of us with leanings to Austrian Economics do, but the outcome of this thought isn't far different"

As soon as subjects and objects are located within an undying space, they are also paradoxically robbed of life, and of any genuine bodily content. From the outset mathēsis was really an arbitrary ordering of nothing, a nihilistic project in the merely formal interests of control itself.

It was very good that this appeared in the preface. I am not sure I could suffer hearing about Derrida otherwise.

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