Thursday, July 31, 2014

Strangling The Formation of Aristocracy

Sovereign Man put up a little piece on Estonia's refreshing tax regime, a tiny bit of which got me thinking:

Plus there’s no estate tax– the Estonian government isn’t looking for its ‘fair share’ when you die. There’s no gift tax or wealth tax either. It’s Paul Krugman’s worst nightmare.

It just seems to me that an enlightened leader of men wants people to have estates. These estates are assets for the country at large, and successful transmission of private estates and their betterment through time allow countries to have better assets, more innovation, etc... Dynasties do fall, eventually, but this should not be an excuse to destroy them in the name of some so-called democracy- rather the conditions should be such that there is competition, so that if a particularly prestigious one falls, there shall be others to take over, preferably without bloodshed.

See, this is how we figure out who can actually rule a country. If you have multiple, ongoing, multi-generational concerns in a country, then you've got a higher chance to find someone competent. This would never do in our so-called democracy, so every attempt is made to destroy estates, for obviously these would be the first places from which a legitimate alternate authority could be found.

It should be obvious, given idiotic things like Common Core, that people like Bill Gates just don't fit the bill here. There isn't anything that smacks of multi-generational sense coming out of him.

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