Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Anti-War Left Versus Anti-War Right

Are there anti-war left anymore? Have they given up their non-violence in the name of trying to beat up 'racists'?

But let's suppose there still are some anti-war left out there. It seems to me it is a process or a life style to them.

The anti-war right is more like a group of people who've found a particular tool to be useful only in an extremely specific set of circumstances. Especially since people tend to die if you use this tool, you don't want to bring it out of the tool shed unless it is really necessary.

So, if you are on the right, and you become anti-war, well, much pessimism ensues. If you are anti-war left, you can still sort of model non-violence- unless you are Antifa, and then you are crazy.

We've got recent American history in Afghanistan and we have the Soviet Union's history in Afghanistan. There is no objective, nothing we can even pretend to call winning, unless you are extremely pessimistic, which case, we shall declare victory after the opium is harvested. But that's a yearly thing, and so is the war season in that part of the world. And I thought we were going to do something about our opiod epidemic. I suppose they could make it cheaper, and throw some quality control on the processing so kids don't overdose on the heroin. Probably beats kids dying from phentanyl out of China.

Oh, but wait. This is the Empire of the Stupid. And the few who actually make money off these matters don't care how many people die.

So yeah. Being anti-war right sucks. At least, when I was younger and dumber, I could think we were accomplishing something. I'm sure somebody is happy about this- somebody is going to make money on it, regardless of whether or not I'm right about the poppies. War itself is lucrative for many companies.

But it does seem like we will be there in time for harvest...

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