Monday, August 14, 2017

Black Clad Maggots

The Republic is dead. America has been dead for a long while, but when I was growing up the corpse was still fresh.

America is now so rotten, it attracts black clad maggots.

And the alt-right only has to show up and point. Sure, sometimes they have to endure abuse too.

But they don't actually have to be smart.

When I was a kid, the Nazis would go play in the park. Sometimes the KKK would want to walk down Main Street. And we'd let them. We made fun of them.

And that was how it worked- an echo of real America, were you could protest if you wanted, and it generally made us not want to.

But now we know that America is gone.

Yet more proof of bad faith displayed before the people.

Normal people start to notice this. The discontent grows.

Does it really matter what I think, or is it just the color of my skin? Bernie Sanders looks white like me, and he got shut down by Black Lives Matter- and certainly there were many, many whites who showed up to hear him. And, of course, the alt-right is white.

We are seeing it's anti-white. We are seeing our old arguments being replaced by incoherent garbage. We are seeing government employees refusing to do their jobs.

Versus what we remember.

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