Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Sense of Guilt and Authority

The modern world, I think, has successfully gone well beyond sane Christian sense of guilt. Guilt is useful if you actually did something wrong and it helps you change your ways.
But men these days are often taught to think they are guilty. So, I end up having to read dreck on the internet, because some dude wants sex with his wife, can't get it, and subsequently- due to a false sense of guilt surrenders to a complete crap line of thinking.

Let me just say that by the very same line of reasoning no child of his should ever have to eat vegetables or do chores, because unhappiness may happen.

But just enough- perhaps too much is written- and you can see they know the truth, but they don't want to deal with it.

A husband also has the responsibility of authority, a responsibility that can weight quite heavily, especially to one out of practice. And, of course, male authority doesn't fit well within the cult of nice.

So, the trend is to abdicate authority too.

Thus, the trend is for many wives to exist in a state of sin, mortal to the pre-Vatican apocalypse era. The guys are in a state of sin, but not the one they are blaming themselves for- no, they are guilty mostly for allowing their wives to exist in this state. And, collectively, they are at least partially guilty for the death of Western Civilization.

Now, there is a certain reality I believe I have referred to before. The rightful King of France does not attempt to actually be the king of France. The best his majesty might expect is laughter; and of course, there is much worse that Macron could unleash upon him, should the little man feel threatened.

But there is a rightful king of France, or we could rustle up a contender or two, make a decision in time for a June coronation.

And there are husbands, even though assuredly they probably should work a little harder to look like husbands and not like overgrown, potbellied children.

I don't think they get a 'get out of jail' free card just because they feel bad about wanting to have sex. God is the God of the living. There are certain biological realities necessary for there to be more living. It is supposed to be an examination of conscience, not a wallowing in self-pity, or emotional self-flagellation.

Those of us who are not delusional know we aren't winning. It isn't just 'us', either. The name of our God is drug through the mud due in no small part to people who claim to love and believe in Him.

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