Thursday, May 24, 2018

Guess Who Is At The Mall?

A common theme on various blogs is this recurring tendency of advertisers to advertise using mixed race couples- basically they are over-represented in advertisements. There are various conclusions drawn, but perhaps we are missing a most basic one- consumerism.

Let us assume for a moment some corporation did research and figured out people of mixed ethnicities enjoyed shopping more. Now, it is doubtful they did any research on homosexuals because it is obvious that they not only like to shop, but they'll also take the money everybody else uses to raise children and spend it on consumerism. And folks have been marketing to women since the beginning of marketing...

So the malls become diversity central.

It would be interesting to find out how this would effect companies like Google and Amazon. They seem to follow the same SJW faith, but I find it plausible that they may be shooting themselves in the foot. They need people who want to stay home and order on-line, not people who go to malls. It must be remembered that promotion of mixed race couples began pre-internet. It is obvious that most internet companies are wholly on-board with the diversity message, but it is possible that they are actually shooting themselves in the foot.

Of course, SJWs are always happy to destroy the insitutions they infiltrate...

But anyway, I suspect a least some part of the corporate collaboration with the left is due to the realization that some of this social engineering does not create the new socialist man, but rather, a compliant consumer. Thus the corporate and political class rejoices in and promotes it.

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