Monday, February 17, 2025

Why I Believe Elon Musk

When Elon Musk said the treasury had set up payments to go through without verifying they were for actual things done, I realized that this fit in with the metaphysics of bureaucracy.  Bureaucracy is a form of government, not merely a synonym for a department or institution.  Bureaucracy is what happened when the French king started paying 'experts' to run the French government.  The system of nobility had previously enjoyed a distribution of power among them, but the monarch wanted to centralize power.

So the bureaucrats got rid of the nobles, and when the time was right, the monarch.  Eventually they went so far as to attempt to get rid of God.  In reality, they just killed a lot of Christians and left most of the remaining ones weak to the bureaucratic mindset.  This is why you are meant to forget all the formal relationships- and the formal titles that suggest various obligations, and just have a personal relationship with Jesus.  Professionals do not interrupt the meeting with personal relationships.  

The bureaucracy must liberate itself from oversight because it must insulate itself from consequences.  Once it has achieved this objective, it must then grow- for one's status in a bureaucracy comes from the number of bureaucrats beneath oneself.   And it doesn't really matter if those beneath you are government, non-profit, or even for profit.  USAID ought to be illustrative here.  Look at the web of bureaucracies they funded.  

I've seen a few of the more 'thoughtful' criticisms of DOGE, but what I initially thought was that these authors had not actually listened to Elon.  But then I realized they were assuming bureaucracy had a different metaphysics, one more consistent with the reasons these institutions were created in the first place.  Of course these authors also must have kept their eyes shut to the monstrous growth of bureaucracy- I don't know how anyone can interface with the medical industry and not notice this is egregious.

Once the bureaucracy is in full, metastatic growth mode, well, it is just more efficient to have the treasury just pay.  It is all fiat anyway, so they can just make more money, cause inflation, and thereby steal whatever value we have left in our pockets.  It doesn't really make sense to the common man, but it makes all sorts of sense in a bureaucracy, which is funny, because the bureaucrats are often more or less common men, but they must suppress their sense of unease and do what was decided by the committee so they can get their paychecks and eventually their pensions.

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