We are seeing too many examples of this in America, where our 'experts' totally ignored the situation in Ukraine, pretend like the Russian attempts at a diplomatic resolution never happened, etc... We have seen Nancy fly into Taiwan. Meanwhile, same government is continuing various vax mandates and poorly administering the military, which is leading to a point where we won't be able to deal with the results of their rash behavior.
But you would think they'd have some sense of personal self-preservation, particularly if they weren't in these more egotistical arenas- like if they were a librarian.
I recently heard about some lady with people after her about a book that they think is teaching inappropriate things to children. Now, in reality, this book, even if it isn't as bad as the mob says, probably can be summarily dropped from the shelves, because it is very likely not very good. The public library today bases its collection around propaganda and popular entertainment. They want to be seen as pushing whatever is the good little bureaucratic line, and they hope their circulation stats will go up forever. They do not seem capable of understanding that these concepts wreck the institution as we drift ever further away from what a library is meant to be.
But anyway, this lady is hysterical, supposedly, because she's got some on-line mob type action against her, and if we were to assume this book's existence on the shelf should be defended- well, it can easily be done, especially now, when we can put up the complaint and the response on-line.
This should be done in a way so that parents particularly concerned about this type of stuff feel you have given them the ability stop their kids reading that book. And it should also be done in a manner extremely accepting of the idea that you have a need to be accountable to the people. They are paying your bills after all, so the complaint should be carefully regarded even if it comes from a stark raving lunatic.
This lady- and bureaucrats like her should have a sense of self-preservation. But bureaucrats have increasingly begun to violate the very purpose of their institutions, violate human rights, and in many cases break laws- although perhaps not intentionally because of the generations of mis-education. What happens when there is constant lawlessness from a particular group? Eventually someone goes into vigilante mode. Unfortunately, I think the bureaucracy as a whole tends to like this, because then the bureaucracy can advocate for more power.
You can see the most extreme form of this crazy thinking from recent protesters who block roads and then scare drivers who are trying to use those roads. How exactly did basic self preservation get removed from their consciousness? I feel like it must be a societal-status based thing- essentially preservation of ego at the cost of one's life.
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