Sunday, March 25, 2007


I've spent another day thinking about my restaurant. I'd like to turn it into a reality. That would require banishing ambiguity to another planet, so I usually don't bother going very far down the road. The place, the menu, the decor, all would be a reflection of me in some way. Go from smoke to brick; my comfortable spot wafting around the edges would be gone.

But I can do it. I've seen enough to know I can put out a good product. I know, it's not under professional kitchen conditions, I haven't figured out if I can actually make a profit, etc...
That's part of the reason I think I can do it. I can think of all kinds of problems. Now, if I let them overwhelm me and do nothing at all, well I will never have a restaurant. But, if I can use my ability to self-criticize, I'll have better quality control than 95% of the industry.

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