Saturday, April 28, 2007

Does the B.B.C. Think You Are Stupid?

I've just finished watching Who Wrote the Bible. It's a British documentary, and I assume this was aired on the B.B.C. at some point. Now, as I've mentioned elsewhere, I've watched Globalisation is Good, and I've also seen The Great Global Warming Swindle. Now, I like the last two, and despise the first one, but I despise the first one because of something I noticed in all of them. It seems to me that someone at the B.B.C. thinks the British public is stupid.

Now, it's no great surprise that a country's media elite would think the masses are idiots. After all, most of the media elite in America think we are a bunch of dangerous rednecks. But, even our guys don't quite dumb things down as much as the B.B.C. has lately. Now, for the documentaries I liked, well, I can overlook some of it, because they are telling the truth to people that have been lied to for years.

But this documentary about the Bible, well it's a load of crap. They, generally speaking, tell the truth, but they insinuate the lie. In other words, they suggest someone has lied, and use fact, taken out of context, to hammer away any unguarded faith someone might have. None of what they "uncovered" has ever been covered, nor does it warrant the slightest flutter of doubt, and yet they pretend to be bringing a truth to the public that shatters belief in the bible.

All that was presented in this documentary has been known for a very long time. For a brief period of time, they actually interview N.T. Wright, who very quickly gives them the sort of smack down they deserve, but alas, they go off again to find other silly things to talk about. It's really a long and arduous documentary; they start with the Pentateuch, professing surprise that someone other than Moses wrote it, and continue on, right up expressing concern that George Bush appears to take the bible seriously.

Which makes me wonder, how does this play in Britain? Are you listening to this stuff? Have you really never even opened a bible? Not even to read the book of Genesis and notice it repeats itself, with variation, on how the world was created? I was really happy as I learned more British stuff was coming on-line, but I am starting to worry I'll be very disappointed. I'm afraid the next time I see a cooking show from the B.B.C. they'll start out explaining what a vegetable is.

P.S. if any of this stuff does bother you, consider becoming a Catholic, or at least try to learn why we Catholics can agree that practically everything these guys said happened did happen, and yet we can still believe in Christ Jesus, Our Father in Heaven, and what the bible says.

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