Thursday, November 1, 2007

Redundant Climate

I just realized the logic I hear in the global warming debate is getting even more ridiculous. Many in the movement know variability of climate, so they realize they might suddenly be facing a global cooling incident. I've seen them suggest this- the theory goes is that we are being really bad by warming the planet, and somehow the planet will respond by plunging us into the next ice age.

So, if you pay attention you'll notice people are saying climate change instead of global warming. They want to separate the issue from the relative temperature.
Well, how does that work logically? Consider:

If Global warming causes hurricanes, and global warming is climate change, and hurricanes are obviously climate change, then, according to environmentalists:

Climate change causes climate change.

Wow! So, does thing mean we can stop blaming each other and just start getting angry at the weather?

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