Monday, February 25, 2008

Demographic Confirmation

Rocco Palmo posts the demographic message found in this NY Times article about religion.

The short answer? Native born Catholics have been in precipitous decline. We are having fewer children, and a good chunk of people born Catholic end up choosing to consider themselves non-Catholic later in life.

And people seem to get so confused when I suggest perhaps they should consider getting married! Interestingly enough, I think marriage has a three-fold effect: It increases commitment, it increases population, and it would actually keep many of those Catholics who eventually leave in. The last point may be the hardest to prove, but I do think many who leave do so precisely because they can't see a path to the next stage in life within the Church. We all need to see living examples of how to deal with life in a Christian way. Otherwise, we may stumble simply because we can't envision how to acheive the goal that we seek.

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