Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Monarch of the Parish

I'd like to do an American version of Monarch of the Glen. Since this is America, I envision a locality getting totally fed up because they can't resolve anything through democracy, so they decide to interview people to become their monarch. Needless to say, the prospective monarchs, being American, will be rather befuddled when it comes to how to be a monarch in the first place.

There's a lot of opportunity for funny stuff here.

There's also a chance to explore how to be an example, how to inspire. I'd make some drastically different story choices than Monarch of the Glen, especially in the arena of romance. It's funny how often T.V. shows can start with a good "falling in love" story, only to kill it a season or so later. The romance in this series spiralled out into unbelievability, fueled by some sick sense of egalitarianism.

Anyway, I'd prefer to err on the side of promoting monarchy rather than trying to do those same tired and unbelievable stories.

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