Thursday, September 11, 2008

Late Night Facism

I found Craig Ferguson's monologue last night even more offensive than usual, because he dropped any attempt at actually being funny and just started screaming about voting. This is a painfully transparent ploy- Democrats know a lot of the people who don't vote would likely be misinformed enough to vote for them, so the spend some component of their energy trying to browbeat know-nothings into the voting booth.

I do believe Saddam Hussien had something like a 98% vote for him in the last election during his reign. We here in the states are slightly more sophisticated- instead of one Baath party, we have two parties that happily bar candidates that might upset the status quo. Oh sure, you can run a little independent campaign, but they've pretty much destroyed any chance of someone winning like that. In order for an independent to have a legitimate chance at winning, we'd have to reacquire our right to spend our money as we see fit in elections. The so-called reforms are limits on the people, not on politicians. In fact incumbents, the very people who voted for this junk, benefit the most.

The realm of politics was never meant to be so broad. There are federal regulations on toilets, for crying out loud! Government was supposed to be limited, and people in office, especially the senate, were actually supposed to take the time to research stuff. These people are making laws about the internet, for instance, and they don't know anything about it!

Here's a general rule of thumb- there shouldn't be a law, and you should go through all kinds of contortions to avoid writing a law, and if you just can't help yourself, that law should be as local as possible, so that if isn't any good, at least people can leave the city or county, or whatever, and avoid it's ill effects.

And if you don't understand the above, I don't want you to vote. Unfortunately, if you do understand the above, it's tough to find people to vote for.

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