Ran into the same 'VOTE-FOR-SUCH&SO SO THAT WE CAN END ABORTION' logic last night that's been around since 1972.
We did vote for a lot of people since 1972 and even when they got in they still mysteriously kept Roe v. Wade, kept allowing babies to be killed.
Maybe we ought to do something different.
I don't think voting is working. In fact, I think not voting might have a better chance because at least one party would realize it had better shape up fast or die because it needs our votes to survive. But it seems pretty hard to get people to understand this.
But then, I guess the folks who were around in 1972 had to imbue the vote with some kind of magical power, because they didn't take the Jeffersonian option and overthrow those who would slaughter innocents. No, instead they voted, shuffling forward through the polling place like so many cattle. The merest nod in the pro-life direction elicits ridiculous amounts of fealty- Sarah Palin arrives on the scene and suddenly people are actually excited about voting for John McCain? Sure, I enjoy the Democrat implosion surrounding her as much as the next guy, but McCain is still McCain! It's pathetic. The game is designed so that we lose, so why keep playing it?
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