Friday, September 12, 2008

Sifting Posts

I have google alerts for various things interesting to me, but those things don't hit every single day. What about tracking Obama? Yes, I know, I don't want to do that, but he might want to have someone on his staff do it. I suspect one could generate some filters, first searching for the name, and then basically trying to categorize the vocabulary. Most pieces will be highly similar- links to the same news article, the same sort of pro or anti blog post, but in some cases the vocabulary will be significantly different. Of course, a strong departure from normal vocabulary may merely mean insanity, but it can also be the next new item that is about to be picked up by the major media outlets.

On the one hand, I'm sure somebody is trying to do this. On the other, the Democrat response to Sarah Palin demonstrates serious blindness. Of course, that blindness may have something to do with the bankrupt nature of the left, but you'd think there were a few folk left in that party with some strategic sense. Anyway, this isn't really about politics but about my fascination with massive amounts of written stuff and what one can do to find meaning in it.

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