Wednesday, September 24, 2008

You Can't Out Blow The Blowhard

Obama has been rising in the polls thanks to the economic news, but he's forgotten that he's running against John McCain. McCain is king of scandal politics- he turned an association with bad money in politics via the Savings and Loans scandal into a reputation for reform. So McCain is playing right into this thing. He's just cancelled his campaign. No more campaigning 'til a deal is done, as it were.
Awesome political play, but terrible for the future of this country.

Because no deal should happen. Paulson and Bernanke should be fired.

This puts Obama in a difficult position. If there is no deal, McCain can accuse the Democrats of playing politics with the health of the nation. If there is a deal, McCain looks like the dude who gets thing done, while Obama looks kinda like the empty suit he is.

By the way, this is one of the reasons it doesn't make sense to me to vote for McCain. Sure, Obama is more committed to evil stuff I don't like, but McCain can actually get more evil stuff I don't like done. And since McCain is for embryonic stem cell research, I can tell his commitment to the pro-life movement is unlikely to be based on the principle that life begins at conception. Which most likely means McCain's picks for the highest court in the land will mysteriously be just as ineffective as all the other Republican picks since the 80s.

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