Wednesday, October 22, 2008

A New Space For Venture Capital

I was reading something about Cuba a few days ago. Really poor people hit hard by years of Communism and a hurricane or two- apparently they some get intermittent access to the internet now, so they can chronicle the downward spiral as their government responds to the devastation in typical socialist fashion. And then I thought, I wonder how much potential there would have to be there for a V.C. to stop giving the umpteenth injection of cash to some zero-profit internet company and liberate Cuba instead?

Is there a business plan that would sell anyone on it? Because I could come up with a strategy for profitability AND freedom for Cuba's citizens. In fact, by ensuring freedom, we keep the overhead low. Look at how much the U.S. government costs! In a few years, we might need some place to escape to, anyway. It would be nice to have a place that allowed it's citizens to use whatever they wanted for money- that way we might be able to get out of the dollar before it collapses.

Somebody call Blackwater and see if they'll give us a quote on this thing. The invasion might cost too much, but there ought to be a country or two out there where the metrics are right. Just think of it as a prototype: the first country or two will be pretty expensive, but a soon as we start getting good at it, the price will come down considerably. We might even be able to free the good old USA, eventually.

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