Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Idiot Pundit #394

Kathleen Parker suggests the Republican Party needs less God and more 'diversity'.

This is the kind of inside the beltway navel-gazing crap that got us John FREAKING McCain as the nominee. I'll grant her one thing, and that's that big government christian types, like Mick Huckabee, aren't helping us one bit. However, you can't suggest for one second that Obama beating McCain has anything to do with christianity.

Nobody, among the devout anyway, actually wanted to vote for McCain. The christians who did vote for McCain voted for him because they considered him the lesser of two evils. Sarah Palin brought evangelicals a bit more enthusiasm, but they still had to swallow the fact they were voting for McCain.

Now, obviously, for any serious christain with full faculties of reason, voting for Obama was out of the question, but that does not mean McCain by default gets those votes. There is a huge difference in turnout when someone goes to vote for someone he actually believes in, rather than voting for the lesser of two evils. Obama's number actually indicate this too, though with a different demographic of voters.

Just giving fair warning. If the G.O.P. follows this kind of advice it will die. If you want to live, become the Christian-libertarian party.

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