Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Legalization Of Imaginary Things

I suspect that gay marriage, despite it's nonexistence, will be legalized, most likely through the courts. It is only a matter of time. The marriage/divorce industry is pretty strong in this country, and we need something for all those lawyers they keep churning out of law school to do. Homosexuals tend to be upper-middle class and tend to engage in behavior not conducive to long term relationships. A very lucrative target population which is mysteriously providing a predatory institution with a 'moral' justification to get involved in their private lives.

We have seen a similar tendency in other areas, like intellectual property. They conceive of this stuff, get it legitimized by the government, and then expand on it, both in terms of what it can apply to, but also in terms of time. Mickey Mouse is still protected!

What these imaginary things do is give government and the 'law' industry that supports it more control over the real property the rest of us have.


EmFlanBtimes3 said...

I think this is just hilarious. Do you know any gay people? Met anyone who actually engages in long-term relationship behavior? Straight people have such a narrow view of what we do. I'm happily married and have been in, and continue to be in a very stable and loving relationship with my lesbian wife. Neither of us are upper middle class, in fact we have little money, as being in college lends itself to being broke (I mean Jesus Christ, books cost over $100 sometimes). I'm not sure why people like yourself think our marriage is imaginary, we're here, wearing rings, same last name, shared money, shared bed (no problems there, let me tell you), and pretty much shared everything else as well.

I decided to come back to this blog years later after you made another narrow-minded comment about women who get tattoos. I have 6 now, and I'm continuing to use good judgment, not be rash, and make good decisions. I wanted to see if you'd gotten any more level-headed.

Basically, I'm showing you that you cannot use generalized statements like that, especially when you have so little knowledge of the groups on which you are harping. Booyah. I'm going to have sex with my wife now.

August said...

I can and do use generalized statements when I am generalizing.
Except for the occasional bit of play-acting, no one in history has engaged in so-called gay marriage. The Romans and various Greek states were more than happy with homosexuality, and yet they did not recognize homosexual relationships as the same as marriage.
I'd like to point out here that, whatever you think I think about your relationship, the gist of my post is that there are people who are trying to call it marriage for the express purpose of breaking it up so that they can profit by it.
I also suggest using the term bipolar in your nickname clashes rather harshly with any claim to good judgement.