Thursday, November 20, 2008

So Republicans Can Learn!

Apparently, a former McCain advisor has realized that backing the bailout plan lost McCain the election. It just goes to show they can learn. Such a pity they have to be beaten badly before they learn.
I am cautiously optimistic that they'll learn more. Despite cries that Obama has somehow mysteriously garnered the love of the entire world, it seems the outcome did depend more on McCain's spectacular inability to appeal to conservatives and libertarians.

Still, the Republicans may just have to go. We really need an end to this two-party system and both parties are complicit in the limitations of our freedoms for their own gain. In some manner, I suppose socialists will always ask for voter approval for their schemes, even while they subvert the voters via the court system. So perhaps the Democrats, though it's ever more obvious their policies run contrary to reality, will always be around. I suppose much will depend on how painful the failures of the next administration are.

Much will also depend on how much the Republicans learn. I really am sick of Republican presidents who sit there for eight years while abortion continues to go on. Also, the ridiculous rise in the size of government and the loss of our freedom these past eight years means a candidate had better come up with something at least as radical as I suggested earlier about ending the Supreme court's jurisdiction over states.

Life. Liberty. The pursuit of happiness. Run your first term in such a way as to make a second unecessary by radically decentralizing power. If you are doing a good job, someone will try to kill you, impeach you, detain you, etc...

Yeah Republicans, I dare you to field a candidate like that!

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