Friday, December 12, 2008

An Empire of The Fallen

It's particularly dissappointing that the automotive bailout failed, merely because the union refused to take paycuts. Who cares? The bailout should never have been an option. Republicans shouldn't have been negotiating at this micromanaging level as to how much pay a worker gets; they should have been telling the Big Three to go back to Detroit and get things straightened out.

I don't like the unions either; they are part of the reason why the automakers are going down, but those little parasites will go down with their host, if the government lets the automakers go out of business. It's simple; the contracts with UAW were just some of the many really bad business decisions the big three made. Let them go out of business, sell their assets and let new businesses, who shouldn't have to deal with the UAW, start making new American cars. It would also be helpful if Congress stopped making up stupid regulations about cars too.
Lower the barriers to entry, for crying out loud!

But no. They'll slide along and find a different way, probably through that other bailout already in progress, because it's not like anyone is going to stop Paulson if he decides to do something. These people are like vampires- we don't want to suck your blood, but we have to, or else we'll die. Well, stop, wait, and test the theory!

This country can go under. It's not like we are immune from a disease that only afflicts Iceland, Zimbabwe and other small countries.

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