Friday, February 27, 2009

Dear Mr. Republican Pansy,

Please be advised that a measly resolution to 're-claim' your state's sovereignty just isn't enough. You want some respect? Do something that actually endangers you. End abortion in your state. Kick the Dept. of Education people out. Tell the D.E.A. to take a hike. Arrest the B.A.T.F.

I know you guys are gutless politicians, but seriously, you blew it. You used to be able to slide on by because you were the underdogs; you could shield yourselves from blame because you were the minority party. But now, you've just come off the giant bag of fail that comprised your reign as the majority party in this country.

So I suggest you stop pushing wimpy resolutions in a vain attempt to look like you are doing something and ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING! We already have this thing called the 10th amendment and you don't need a stupid resolution for it to work!

By all means, plan carefully, pick popular issues on which to stand, make sure you have places to hide, etc- but actually fight!!! Do you think the federal government even blinks twice at a resolution? How about passing a law that breaks any of the thousands of federal laws that violate the 10th amendment?

Fight like a man (or at least a constitutionally correct state legislator), you yellow-bellied, lily-livered, no-account pissants! Ya'll don't make no nevermind, no how!

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