Monday, March 2, 2009

God Is Not A Product

Father Dwight notices the syrupy packaging doesn't make religion stick:

So, for example, a person is told by some Evangelical preacher that Jesus will save them from their sins, heal them, fill them with the Holy Spirit and they will belong to a wonderful, warm and genuine family of God as they belong to the Church. Then they join the church and find a group of struggling sinners just like they are. They feel they've been sold a bill of goods, and they're off.

It's worth reading the whole thing, especially if you are in the trenches. There's a point where you have to come out the other side and realize that laying hands on people and praying for them is good and all, but getting them to the point where they actually go to confession regularly is the hands down winner. Want to condition people to play the lottery, or do you want to encourage people to work?

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