Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Delivering Measurements

I have noticed that practices seem to be refined in order to increase whatever stats management happens to like. Attendance, checkouts, GDP, etc... It doesn't really matter which company, department, or government- what matters is that somebody likes the numbers and they use those numbers to argue for more of whatever it is they are at the table for.

If you move the costs associated with generating transactions away from the people in charge of determining whether or not the transaction will take place- well you have a recipe for disaster. Transactions are events, and we can develop massive amounts of data by tracking all sorts of details about events, and then we can use that data to justify more funding.

This little scenario is applicable to many things, things that happen at work, mortgage back securities, the absolute craziness that is Washington D.C., as well as the moron pundit I saw this morning asking for another trillion dollar bailout for the banks. She's riding this financial crisis- I don't know who she is yet, but I'm guessing I'll probably find out since she appears to be making bank on the financial crisis by appearing before cameras and spouting nonsense.

But anyway, you get the idea.

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