Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Symptom Or The Disease

Heiromonk Maximos writes of a probable heresy of authoritarianism at The Anastatis Dialogue.

I like it, except for certain parts.

The locus of decision is always with the individual. Fail to stress that, and secular society wins, because they can steal our brothers, stick them in a 'therapuetic' setting, and recast his Christian relationships in the victim/oppressor vein until he gives into the secular collective. Feminists encourage divorce by similar means; zero emphasis is placed on actually fulfilling one's vows, rather the acts branded as oppressive by the secular collective are brandished as a valid reason to break one's vows.

The failure to properly recognize authority lies in the contemporary myth of egalitarianism. We simply fail to understand our inequality and subsequently harm ourselves greatly by not taking advantage of inequality. Despite the left's constant attempts to brainwash us, we can see inequality in the natural world all the time- some are stronger, faster, or better at taking tests and it makes sense that we each do whatever it is we are best suited to do. If we were all bishops, we would be in as much trouble as if we were all coal-miners; there would be no one to grow food. And in the secular world, since we are all voters...

Anyway, there is also a part two, wherein I find I share the author's interest in how the OCA is moving along.

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