Thursday, April 30, 2009

A Game No One Can Win

April DeConick is trying to figure out how Jesus came to be considered God. She creates some very questionable rules at first, but one can read the above post and still arrive at an orthodox position thusly:

We know many of the first century Jews who came to follow Jesus were learned, devoted Jews. They worshipped the One God. The level of evidence required for them to accept Jesus as divine would have to be extremely high; therefore something extremely important must have happened- the Resurrection- for these people to believe in and sacrifice so much for Jesus.

That's the short, but logical presentation; a simple argument that the witnesses of the historical Jesus must have found Him and the events they witnessed pretty important, otherwise they would not have upset their families, got themselves kicked out of temple, and stoned to death.

But April isn't done making new rules. Her latest- just say no to the miraculous.

Now, strickly speaking, I don't have to assign the label miraculous to any of the events. But given that April's inclinations are to either call the witnesses liars or embellishers, I doubt she'd entertain the possibility that something quite similar to what they said happened did happen.

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