Friday, May 15, 2009

Reactionaries Pick Anti-Heroes

Can we let Carrie Prejean softly lilt right out of the news cycle already?

Of course, if she's smart, I suppose she's trying to parlay the most apologetic defense of the definition of marriage ever into a media career.

Meanwhile, a more cogent answer to Perez Hilton's hissy fit would be:

The wages of sin is death, and the wages of state endorsed marriage is the divorce industry, which many feel is worse than death.

The people actually need teachers. Prejean's response was commendable in the context of being set up at a beauty pageant, but this doesn't translate well into being any kind of public speaker. Similarly, Sarah Palin seemed interesting at first, but she has consistently shown herself not to be conservative. And need we even mention Joe the Plumber?

These are people co-opted for comfort, solace for the conservative side because they reacted emotionally, but correctly in a specific situation, but what we need are people who can actually explain the situation clearly to people who don't understand the issue.

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