Thursday, January 21, 2010

Just Another Empty Suit

Brown's win may be a swipe against health care. His win is almost certainly a swipe against Coakley, who apparently decided to act even less appealing than Hillary.
Brown's win is not a win for Republicans in any real sense.

This is because, just like Obama, he was the empty suit, the other guy. In both cases, hope and change won, not more of the same. Sure, those of us with a bit of intelligence new Obama's hope and change would look like Carter's economic malaise, but apparently the punks who actually voted for him didn't.

So, as long as numbers matter, I expect Republicans shall pick up more seats simply because they are the alternate option that is usually provided, and they are out of power. Now, if only folks started realizing the options provided aren't the only options...

Always be suspicious of the 'first' analyisis, whether it's the first black president, first Republican since whenever, etc... It's practically self-refuting analysis- the very reality of the result suggests that it wasn't really a big deal in the first place.

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