Saturday, January 23, 2010

Wanting To Work

Laura has a great post up about why women would actually want a job rather than be a homemaker:

So again, I find myself wondering where did this strong desire for work come from? Not housework, but supposed "real" work. The only thing I can think of is that they are told that work is glamorous. They all picture themselves making six figures and sitting as CEO of some large company

I think it's worse than what she assumes. I think many women do choose Walmart jobs over marriage. Compare the levels of responsibility. Then think about the ambivalence and fear many women have with child-birth.

Not hard to imagine a woman choosing a relatively responsibility free lifestyle.

Sure, the devils selling avocations in place of true vocations are worth reviling. It's also worth noticing sometimes people just chicken out, and now that social pressure tends to encourage and re-frame it as a moral good- for instance, not having children reduces your carbon footprint and is therefore somehow wonderful- we have an epidemic.

1 comment:

Mrs. Deering said...

It is quite sad. The DR was pressuring my poor cousin- she's had four kids (gasp) and didn't want her reproductive organs "broken".

Everyone is so anti kid these day. Except the Duggars, I suppose. And when you want more than three kids, people ask, "Are you going to be like the Duggars?"
