Friday, March 12, 2010

Grass Fed Co-op

There are a lot of farms that will sell you all or part of a cow.
Some companies will send you a whole bunch of frozen meat, too, but that ends up being pretty expensive.
So I started searching for butchering classes. I haven't found any yet- Google happily told me about the various people named Butcher in my town, though.

The general idea is to get the skills (and perhaps even the space and equipment) to handle various animals.

Could I bring the price down enough for it to be economically feasible for myself and a few families to have reasonably fresh grass fed meat on a regular basis?

1 comment:

Mrs. Deering said...

Ooh. Let me know what you find out. Good beef would be wonderful. The best we've found is $4.80 a pound for ground beef at the farmer's market. We don't even consider buying anything more expensive than that!