Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Might As Well Have That Constitutional Convention

It's been a saying among conservatives, since I started paying any attention, that we don't want to call a Consitutional Convention because the Democrats would show up and they might make it worse.

I'm still for receivership. How many governments are bankrupt? Your city, county, state, nation- there are areas where every single entity is in the red, and every single entity spending money on green, which DOES NOT WORK! I have yet to see anything actually environmentally friendly be subsidized. This is because environmentally friendly processes save more resources than they destroy, which is something impossible for governments to do.

Again, when people figure out how to do more with less, they make a profit.
When people don't care how much more there is, but are only interested in getting more for themselves, they go into government.

This health care thing is a spectacular joke. I've often wondered whether various people in power were crazy, stupid, evil, or all three. Now I also wonder if they've been purposefully inhaling freon.

And the Republican's glee about the next election cycle just aggravates me. Sure, no one likes what the Democrats have done, but we don't like you either, and you tend to be more annoying because you promise us stuff we like and then don't deliver.
So, if you piddle away the time between now and the next election without managing to change anything, don't be surprised if nobody shows up to vote you in. I suspect the public would prefer voting for the guy who got this thing repealed, or actually managed to end abortion, rather than listen to a bunch of empty promises again.

Let's have that constitutional convention folks. Not that it'll really matter, given the fools who keep spending will be the ones who'd need to ratify it. It would just be better than yet another election, yet one more specious phantasm propagandizing continuity with a long dead republic.

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