There is no one to vote for. We are way over due for a shift in the party system; historically the increasingly irrelevant party would disappear and a new party would take its place. Unfortunately, the Republicans and Democrats have monopolized the system, raising the barrier of entry to impossible levels.
So don't vote. Say you don't vote loudly. Warn every single Republican that you won't listen to their pro-life rhetoric, but that you might get off your duff on election day IF they actually do something now. Say similar things about other conservative issues.
Note how many 'conservative' governors like to talk about how many of the things the federal government is doing is unconstitutional, but they don't actually do anything that might get a federal employee looking cross-eyed at them?
(Jindal did this a lot with the oil spill- break those policies, risk jail time, then I'll start respecting you.)
IF conservatives don't vote, if the same old lip service (we never actually get a smaller government, do we?) stops working, the members of the political class who depend on our votes will panic- and they might just start doing what we want them to. The Democrat party should have disappeared long ago, but the agreements made between them and the Republicans have kept them alive for far too long. We are in an age of zombie socialism; true socialism has been discredited, but the political class, regardless of party affiliation is addicted, so they keep going down the wrong road, whether they know better or not.
Not voting is more powerful than voting is right now. It is only through not voting that at least some segment of the political class will see their potential careers going down the drain. It's a cushy job they have, and at least on the pro-life issue, they haven't had to deliver since 1972! If you vote, you just reinforce there idea that they can continue with this foolishness.
Bit of a rehash, but perhaps I can influence one or two more people. It should be blatantly obvious by now we aren't even allowed to have conservative candidates- why then should we keep up the pretense?
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