Monday, June 15, 2015

Republicans Continuing Franklin Delano Roosevelt's Orwellian Deal

Henry Dampier put up Themes in Innovation Propaganda:

When economic and political conditions in your nation-state are declining, you have a couple options: you can either face up to the crisis and make the changes necessary that could make recovery possible, or you go through an extensive messaging campaign to portray decline as advance.

One of the more reliable methods — used extensively by 20th century states — is to attempt to make inferior substitutions appear to be better than original superior product.

I was told that the Republicans recently managed to remove the requirement for meat products to have country of origin labels on them. If this is true, and it certainly appears to be the sort of thing these faux free marketeers like to do, then they are continuing in FDR's footsteps.

Previous to FDR's evil machinations, people generally either knew their farmer or knew their butcher. Why was this important? Because if you had any concerns, you could go look at the animal, alive and hopefully healthy, before it was killed and turned into meat. Now we are meant to rely on the USDA.

We have some warped issues in this country. Technically there shouldn't be any labeling laws, and every last vendor ought to be volunteering, not to mention inventing new ways of distinguishing the quality of their products. But this is the dopamine dominant world. Use the state to create a problem, and then create more problems to fix it. Not only do we have labeling laws, in some cases we have laws prohibiting certain labeling.

It breaks down to supposed free market advocates supporting policies that attempt to obsfucate the consumer's right to know what the hell he is buying. How are we supposed to get a decent price signal if the government gets to decide that two products are pretty much identical? People like to argue this like there is objective science on a particular side, but often there is not, and in any case there is an economic principle of letting the market work- even if those buying organic, grass fed, non-gmo, and whatever the hell else are wrong.

If we don't have the freedom, then the price won't reflect reality, and there will be tremendous misallocation of funds. Oh, wait, that is what is. Endanger the entire globe's food security to get Monsanto & friends a little more market share.

How is this not fraud?

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