I expected, metaphorically at least, the sounds of millions of shredders shredding evidence as it slowly dawned on D.C. how many of them have wittingly or unwittingly committed crimes in the last few decades.
And that may or may not be happening in secret, but in public, it seems like their vulnerability isn't being acknowledged. One would assume they'd note it tacitly and perhaps behave a little better in the hopes of staying out of prison.
But when John McCain and his friend, the Republican Fairy Queen, are pushing anti-Russian propaganda along with the Democrats despite the incoming administration not being on board, well, this may just be the way those in denial play. These guys think they own the place. Perhaps they are too old to realize they are vulnerable. Perhaps they don't realize how much they say on video, in Congress or otherwise, and how often it violates reality.
Few people believe this Russian hacker story. Every time I hear something mainstream, I find it hard to believe anyone is still on this story. Surely even those pushing it know it isn't true?
The media has an incentive to push it, and anything else that sounds like imminent doom, because they need our attention to sell advertising. I do think, however, that the media would move on, to other areas of concern- where they might be able to appear to be honestly reporting something.
Various people in the government, though, seem to be regularly pushing this back in front of the media. I think it has become more than just a narrative- they redirect to the meme whenever their own poor behavior is mentioned, just like the D.N.C. did with the leaks.
When anything is mentioned about 'cyber' these idiots talk, when they do talk about encryption, like it is a bad thing that makes it hard for them to find terrorists. But if they (the government) encrypted all their data, then the Chinese wouldn't have the personal details of practically everybody working for the federal government. Actual hacking threats can be handled. Break-ins can be greatly reduced.
So it's quite possible this story keeps getting pushed long after almost everything has been accounted for simply because it is the designated narrative/alibi for conspirators. They may even have the audacity to say any evidence gathered against them is tainted because the Russians could have made stuff up- as Podesta and other have insinuated with the emails.
This stuff makes me think about Robert Hanssen. I suspect he wanted to encrypt everything, and his colleagues didn't because creating and using secure systems- especially at that time, took a lot of time. They valued convenience more than security.
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