Friday, August 18, 2017

Communist Political Correction

After recent events, it just sort of popped into my head- climate change is politically correct in the old communist sense of the word. Climate change is something not real (in the way that it is used by leftists) that many people have to say is real in order to be able to get certain jobs.

Much like the media coverage recently, plus most of the Republicans are still repeating the same lies about recent events. People should know better. People do know better. The F.B.I., all the cops.

But the constant repetition reminds me of the constant lie, that 97% of scientists believe in climate change. They don't.

But it functions as well to draw in people useful to the regime. If people unquestioningly accept that, they'll accept a lot of other things. Of course, I was too smart to be smart- i.e. I didn't understand these social concepts trumped the truth. That lies and error were actually useful to people in power was foreign and non-intuitive to me. I believe people must be genuinely misinformed. I also didn't realize people don't or can't read papers.

But climate change almost won Al Gore the presidency. Not the lie itself, but the massive amount of money he was able to mobilize around the lie. The proposed market of green tech, climate credits, and the funding of research based on your acceptance of the lie raised his profile considerably.

The lie also functions to keep you out of certain classes, should you be so gauche as to be seeking the truth, rather than trying figure out what your masters want of you. I kept having this strong sense that surely academia is about knowledge, and remained passive and even hopeful despite obvious discrimination against me.

They don't even try on T.V. anymore. Multiple people, many too stupid to think, yelling at one another, repeating the same talking points, refusing to bother to do any basic research. They aren't journalists, they are the communists standing in the front of the room, demanding everybody say the same lie over and over.

Or make the same accusation over and over. The word 'Satan' means accuser. They reveal their allegiances.

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