Monday, January 29, 2018

Dear Q

Some of your cryptic remarks seem to suggest that Americans need to be psychologically prepared for a bunch of arrests and/or some sort of massive move against the criminals who have been in charge of the country.

You are in error sir.

Most of us who actually think know a lot of people in D.C. probably need to be arrested.

And rumors on the internet are mostly just boring at this point. Have you ever actually listened to Judge Napolitano? Have you thought about the implications- i.e. how many of our mighty bureaucratic officials are criminals, simply for being there and collaborating on the illegal projects that the government has done in my lifetime? Even if you like some of them and want to pretend they are legal, well that still leaves a bunch of them you don't like to jail people over.

Indeed, a large number of arrests, prosecutions, and long prison sentences are necessary for reform. Why? Well, Q, I am glad you asked. You must genuinely scare the bureaucrats and bring them to heel. They are supposed to serve "the people," which frankly was a mistake because "the people" have never been able to control the bureaucrats. No, we should have some sort of nobility in this country who should be readily capable of punishing a bureaucrat should he be administrating something unwisely.

But I digress.

There is a tiny number of people who are insane- many of them show up on T.V., so they seem to be more numerous than the rest of us. But the rest of America? We know there are a lot of criminals in D.C. And we know that change isn't going to happen until you get them unplugged from the power structure.

So, I keep seeing reference to Q and these cryptic messages, and you know what? Every damn time I think, arrest somebody already! There are easy ones you can get by watching reruns of C-SPAN. I don't really want any more right wing gossip, I want action.


Ominous Cowherd said...

Perhaps they are preparing us, not for mass arrests, but for letting some slip through the net? We're ready to see all of DC drawn and quartered. Letting some redeem themselves will be hard to take.

August said...

I hope Trump understands it is dangerous to him personally to let these people stay anyway near the levers of power. They will go after him, his family, and his estate. They will try to erase him from the earth. He may end up with it worse than Pinochet did.

The danger would be if he were somehow lulled into a false sense of security.