Monday, February 5, 2018

Understanding the Possibility of Failure

I have noticed a major difference in administrations- namely the understanding of the possibility of being wrong.

And, of course, the guy who has a major understanding of the possibility of being wrong, the possibility of failure is the guy people accuse of bluster, ego, etc...

But Trump's management plan is to 'fail faster,' which is an actual management style that accounts for the likelihood of failure.

The last few decades of ideological management mostly ignores the likeliest source of failure- the giant blind spot your ideology hands you.

The conservatives often look more sane because they might be able to explain why you can't do such terrible things to, say, insurance, and expect it to work, but then they end up looking like ultimately losers because they can never walk this stuff back and end it.

But Trump would likely prefer multiple, iterative changes to what is in order to work toward to something that might actually work. Probably no ideologue would be happy with it because it wouldn't look like the pretty little symmetrical diagram they have in their heads. Also, there isn't actually any guarantee success can be achieved this way, especially with a government bent towards perverted ends.

But it is reassuring and funny, since there's that reliable section of the public who can't see it at all and freak out.

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