Monday, May 16, 2022

The Feminine Form of Fascism

 I remember being at a wedding reception where some young woman was talking about the special school she was working at.  She had this example of what the lady the school was on about that went something like this:

When closing the door, boys often slam the door, but they don't actually want to slam the door. The boy's actions and his will are at odds with each other.  

Since the first word I would have said if I had said something was bullshit, and this was a Christian setting, I think I failed to get much out of my mouth.  Meanwhile, some dude sort of half-heartedly threw out the concept of agency, but I don't think any of this registered with the woman.

If you are not, or have never been a boy- slamming a door is often quite satisfying.  Not only that, in many cases closing a door with enough emphasis such that you hear an audible click serves as a way to know that, yes, you have actually succeeded in shutting the door.

Moms have been trying to get kids not to slam doors since the existence of doors, and this is probably a good thing, since the baby may be sleeping, or your door manufacture is just not building a robust enough product for regular door slamming.  

But what the young lady was describing goes beyond the behavior, into a sort of feminist fascism, where whatever the mom wants (and/or the educator) is supposedly the will of the of the child too.

I think this sort of thinking shows up in bureaucracies everywhere too, and is assumed in many situations among adults- but since adults can articulate what they want, well you end up with crap like what Trudeau did with the Canadian truckers.  They dehumanize you since their definition of a human includes only people who agree with them.

These people are dangerous- both the powerful and the school teachers.  


LordDiana said...

Very interesting stuff. You're quite skilled at unmasking statist/leftoid pretentions in very revealing ways. I don't see much like this anymore, even at C4SS.

August said...

Thanks. I think folks like C4SS haven't noticed bureaucracy is really the leviathian in the room. The ancient regimes were much smaller. They could be oppressive, but nothing is systematically oppressive like a bureaucracy is. Bureaucracies must always get bigger, which is one of the reasons why growth has been part of the policy since the late 1800s, when the bureaucratic form of government took over the world.