Sunday, October 2, 2022

Smells Like Anti-Christ

 I'm still a little irked at being told accepting some of this woke stuff would make me a better Christian.  There is the first obvious flaw- i.e. race is biblical, so if you are trying to make me a better Christian, please stop trying to get me to not believe things that are in the bible.

But then there's this:

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus.  Galatians 3:28

The oneness is in Christ.  The people who are promulgating wokeness are not in Christ.  Even if the individual is nominally Christian, the reality is the people pushing this stuff are pushing it for bureaucratic purposes- i.e. not acting in Christ.  Additionally, since these ideas are all easily traced back to Marxist plans for fomenting revolution, we already know this was coming from an atheistic place- possibly even from a worse place.

This might not be as noticeable as an anti-Christ coming along and proclaiming salvation comes from somewhere other than Christ, but it is extremely similar. Have you wondered why this particular pastiche of issues shows up as a package?  

It has been a century or more since they've started pounding away at our communities.  It is only now that they can deceive enough of us to think at least some of their accusations have standing.  They feel confident now, to say, for instance, that Christians on Sunday are an example of separateness.  This would not have flown in the ancient world, for even in the most cosmopolitan cities, there were ethnic enclaves. 

Additionally, each people had slightly different understanding and modes for worship, purification, etc..., so liturgies sprung up among specific peoples precisely because that's the scale at which there was a shared understanding.  Layer on the modern denominations, and a shared understanding with which to enact any sort of public worship is even more fractured.  

Even if a bunch of diverse people showed up and began a church together, they would quickly (in a few generations, but still -in relative terms- quickly) become an ethnicity themselves.  We have duties to our families that generally require living close to one another.  

Perhaps the strangest thing of all- in the ancient world, wouldn't diversity be more of a marker for slavery than freedom?  If you were free you would live and work with your extended family, but if you were a slave you would have to live in quarters provided by the one who bought you. 

They should seriously back off and stop making me think about these things.  It would not have occurred to me they were trying to claim something that can only happen in Christ unless they kept pushing this stuff on me, and then one of them said it might make me a better Christian.  Then my brain kicks in and spends too much time on this crap, and I figure out I'm dealing with a mini-me version of the anti-Christ.  Shut up, make this crap voluntary, and go have tea with the ladies who like having these conversations.



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